Wednesday, September 3, 2008


To all the creativity, funk, music and rhyme, to every person who with an open heart were ready to participate, to every single smile given (and received), to all the laughter, all that fun and good time, to the explosion of dance during a random sand storm, and the silent appreciation of good (continuous) beat, to those House Party nights and Chundra Days, to all the yummy food and delicious drinks, to all the togetherness that gave way to one of the best years at Burningman EVER, to each and everyone of you for being exactly what you are: The Embodiment of Bliss.

...MASSIVE GRATITUDE for sharing your souls and truly sparkling up the space for LOVE...

We miss you already and can't wait to see you all and DO IT AGAIN!

Love and Happiness~*

1 comment:

Rolfe Kent said...

I love your Chundra- I loved it on the playa (one stoic and resistant friend finally got into BM on Sat while riding around with you, and came back all smiles), and was delighted to see you at LA Decom.

Love and thanks, Rolfe